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COVID-19 Quick Facts for Petowners:

By March 24, 2020 Uncategorized


COVID-19 Quick Facts for Petowners:
1) There is no current evidence pets can transmit COVID-19 infection to humans.
2) pets could be fomites (a object that can carry organisms from one suseptible person to another like clothes, utensils, Kleenex, furniture, etc).
3) Colorado Veterinary clinics have been asked to restrict nonessential surgeries for the next 3 weeks to conserve PPE (gloves and masks) for use in the fight against COVID-19.
Blue Sky is following this directive and will start scheduling elective surgeries and dental cleanings when the state permits it. For now, we are allowed to perform emergency procedures on patients who have injuries, possible cancer, are in pain, or may worsen without surgery.
4) Blue Sky is continuing to operate, but we are asking that clients not enter the building to allow for social distancing. We can meet you in the parking lot to get your pets history and escort them inside. Please have dogs leashed and cats in carriers.
5) Hand sanitizer is not toxic to animals and is NOT made from the same ingredients as antifreeze. A dog licking your hand after applying sanitizer will not cause any problems. If a dog ate an entire bottle of sanitizer they could act drunk and have alcohol poisoning, but due the unpleasant taste this is highly unlikely.
6) Please call or text us if you have questions during this difficult time. We want to take care of our cats and dogs while keeping everyone as safe as we can!

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