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June 2018

Device to assist Blind Dogs

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This Teaching Tuesday is brought to you by sweet Liska.
Liska is shown here wearing her Muffin’s Halo, which is a device designed to help blind dogs get around safely. 

Image may contain: grass, dog, outdoor and nature
Liska unfortunately went blind due to her cataracts, but then had an additional complication of developing glaucoma. We initially tried to

manage her glaucoma medically with eye drops, however, she did not respond as we had hoped.
Glaucoma is a very painful condition and in order to alleviate her pain Dr. Zubricky performed a bilateral enucleation (Removal of the eyes).

Liska is no longer in pain and with the help of her Muffin’s Halo and her buds, Brutus and Heidi she is doing wonderfully and getting around

with ease.
Having a blind dog can be a challenge and very confusing for our furry friends, especially when they are in unfamiliar locations. The Muffin’s

Halo is a way to provide blind dogs the assistance they need to get around safely without bumping into things with their face.

If you have a blind dog that needs some additional assistance Liska encourages everyone to give this wonderful product a try!

Pet First Aid Kits

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Summer is nearly here and we have Pet First Aid Kits for purchase!

They include: Vetwrap, gauze, tape, Telfa pads, bandage scissors, thermometer, Neosporin, and gloves,

and dosing charts.

The dosing charts are for over the counter medications for allergic reactions and diarrhea.

If you are traveling, or even just heading out for a hike, get your first aid kit today!

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